
Wednesday, December 31, 2014

HAPPY (almost) NEW YEAR!!!

Happy New Years Eve!!

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas time with
family and friends and I hope you all have a safe and happy New Year!

I've decided that I have a love/hate relationship with blogging.
I love to blog most of the time but sometimes it seems like a big chore.
It's complicated and I know my fellow bloggers feel me!

But then the end of the year rolls around and I'm
so so thankful for this space and for the memories i've
been able to store up in such a unique way.

It sure does make my end of the year post easier.

I like to go back in time and grab 12 pictures that
fit the 12 months gone by.

Here they are from left to right.

January - I had just moved over to Liverpool, everything was new
and exciting and a bit terrifying at times, but it has proved to be
one of the best decisions I have ever made. The image is of Tom and myself
in Edinburgh, Scotland. Our first UK trip together.

February - In February we went to London. I had already been to London
but Tom had not been so it was a really fun trip. We went to museums as
you can see in the picture, we saw STOMP, we ate really yummy food and
we just lived it up. February was a gem!

March - I remember March because it was the month I settled in.
I was no longer nervous where I was, I felt at home.
The picture is of Tom, myself and Holly, Tom's sister, at Blackpools amusement park.

April - April was very somber. It's the month my grandfather passed away.
It was extremely hard to be away from family during that time but
I remember getting so much love from Tom and his family that
It made being away a little easier. I did get to lay in bed and listen
to his funeral via facetime thanks to my sister. I wish it had never
happened, I wish he was still here but I know he is much much
happier now and he's smiling down on all of us.

May - In May Tom and I went on a little trip to Italy.
We stayed in Florence and took a day trip to Cinque Terre.
It was so magical, I absolutely loved it and can't wait to go back one day.
May is also the month I was detained at the airport when I was trying to get
back into the UK after our Italy trip...good times.

June - June was Tom's 24th Birthday!! I surprised him with
donuts for breakfast and a fun day together. I also left
England in June and came back to Texas. My trip was over 
but there was still a lot to look forward to.

July - July was emotional because I missed Tom so much.
When I get emotional I redecorate, hence the bedroom picture.

August - August was a GREAT month because Tom was back in Texas.
He spent a month in Texas and we spent two weeks in the Dominican.
I love when Tom is here and the weather is good and we just
get to go outside and play tennis and have picnics and just have fun together.

September - We spent the first week and a half of September in the DR.
We stayed at a resort in Puerto Plata with Tom's whole family.
This trip had been in the works for over a year. We first heard about it
when Tom and I were in a Denny's in the Mojave Dessert last summer.
So when the time finally came to go it was so exciting!!!
We had an absolute blast...don't let that picture fool you though...
Coconut water is gross!

October - In October we put our plans into actions and
Tom applied for a B-2 visa so that he could come to Texas
for 6 months. He had to go to London to interview for the visa
and it was really crazy and stressful because they don't
just hand these visa's out. But Tom got one and he's coming
to Texas in 3 WEEKS!!!!!

November - In November Tom and I celebrated our Two Year Anniversary.
We celebrated from afar via skype but it was still so special.
We always reminisce on how we got where we are and it just
reminds us that even though it's hard being apart
we have done so well making long distance work for us!
I can't wait till next year when we get to be together on our Anniversary!!

December - In December Tom and I adopted a dog together.
Tom wasn't physically here but I did it for the both of us.
Little Winston has been an amazing little pup and
he's already part of the family!!

I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who's followed
our story over the past two years.

I can't wait to start blogging more about 
our plans for this next year.

I hope you all have a wonderful New Years Eve
and I hope your New Year is full of happiness and love!!

Friday, December 19, 2014

We got a dog!!!!

So over the past two weeks or so I've been perusing
the web like a crazy lady for a little pupster.

This all started when Tom thought I was getting
him a puppy for Christmas...

Tom has unfulfilled puppy for Christmas wishes ;)

I wasn't getting him a puppy, I was actually going to get him a turtle.

Tom has ALWAYS wanted a turtle.
So I was going to get one for him...

Well the turtle plan was squished the instant
I thought about actually getting a dog.

Then I went online and started looking
for pups that needed adopting.

Seeing all of those sweet sweeeeeet faces
just confirmed that this was indeed happening.

So I'm allergic to sheddy dogs so
I was looking at a small group of breeds
that were light to no shedding pups.

Which FIRST of all led me to George.
I'm going to tell you a little about George just
in case there is someone out there that could
adopt this little bundle of love!!!

George was born paralyzed so he can't
use his back two legs.

He has a little doggy wheel chair
that helps him get around.

Even though he's paralyzed his little tail
still wags when he see's you because he's happy.

It's a doggy miracle!!

Just look at him!!!


We fell IN LOVE with George.
& I cried when I found out we couldn't get him.

He's in Arizona and it's just too far
for us to travel to get him.

And as much as I lovveeee him
I don't think we're equipped to handle
this beautiful pup and his specialness.

If you live in Arizona and you
want a sweet pup to love on you should
look up George.

You can use Tom's idea and put
racing stripes on his chair ;)

So the dog hunt continued.

I emailed many shelters 
and sent out a ton of adoption applications
but I always seemed to be a day late for the pup.

Then Winston came into view
and that instant love connection returned.

Winston was left at the shelter by his previous
family because they didn't have time for him.

I have time, give him to meeee!!

I sent the application in and we were
contacted soon after about coming to pick him up.

Winston is a Morkie.
That's a Maltese/Yorkie
but he's definitely more Yorkie
than anything else.

We found out last night that he's CANADIAN!!!
How fun is that??

Tom is British and Winston is Canadian ;)
We're so diverse over here.

He's a healthy little pup, he's on the skinny side
so we're going to be working on slowly getting
some meat on his bones.

He's the sweetest pup!!!
He loves to be cuddled and take naps.
He's quiet but I think that's because this is all new.
He should liven up a bit as time goes on.

He loves people, he goes up to everyone.

He can walk on his hind legs for like...a long time!!
I foresee Tom teaching him some tricks as
soon as he get's here in January.

Tom and I both decided on making this dog our dog.
So we can't wait for Tom to get here so we can be
a little doggy family ;)

The mush comes out when something so
cute is sleeping at your feet ;)

Friday, December 12, 2014

// Weekend Advice //

For the weekend ahead here's some sound
advice from one of my favorite ladies ever!!

- Mindy Kaling -

“If I’m at a party where I’m not enjoying myself, I will put some cookies 
in my jacket pocket and leave without saying good-bye.”

Have a blessed weekend ;)

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Do you have a Bucket List?

I was talking to Tom on the phone
last night and the topic of bucket lists was brought up.
I think I brought it up...clearly it's on my mind.

I think there is something really amazing about Bucket lists.
Just thinking about mine gets me all hyped up about
adventures and new experiences.

I've only really been into this whole adventure
thing for like three years.

My decision to study abroad in Paris in 2012 kind of
threw me into a world full of adventure and I 
really fell in love with that world.

A travel Bucket list wouldn't have even
been on my radar before Paris.

But now that I've seen bits and pieces of the world
I really am intent on seeing more of it.

So my little travel bucket list was born.
It's teeny and tiny like a baby but I know it will grow.

Here's my list so far:

-See the Moai Statues on Easter Island
-See the northern lights in Norway & (or) Sweden
-Go ice Skating in NYC at Christmas
-Stay in a Hotel over looking the Eiffel Tower in Paris.
-Go on the Sound of Music Tour in Germany and Austria & frolic
on a hilltop singing the hills are alive with the sound of music!!!
-See Neuschwanstein Castle in the fall
-Go on a Castle road trip through Scotland & Ireland
-Visit Patagonia in Chile and see the Marble Caverns
-Live in NZ or AUS for one year
-See a Grizzly bear (from afar) at Yosemite
-Go to a European Christmas Market at Christmas time

We'll leave it at that for now ;)
And of course Tom will be a big part of this!!
I'm sure we'll be merging our lists together soon ;)

Do you have a bucket list?
Are any of my places on your list?
Do you have any must see attractions to add to my list??

Let me know in the comments!!

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Let's catch up

//Let's catch up//

First of all...
I'm going to have to learn how to style
a massive blanket scarf because I just bought this one..
Will it overpower me?? Probs..I'm ok with that because it's so preeetty.

I've also got my eye on this one from American Eagle.

I have a scarf problem...


We're a little more than a month away
from Tom getting to Texas!!!!

I can't even begin to explain how so freaking excited I am!
Or should I say 'WE' because he's excited too!!

We will mostly be staying in Texas while he's here
but we are planning a few quick trips to some fun places.

The Grand Canyon is high on his list of places to see soooo
that's somewhere that we are definitely going.

I'd love to go see Yellowstone or maybe somewhere on
the east coast but we'll just have to see if money
is available for all of that ;)

We talked about looking into credit cards today,
especially credit cards for travel perks.

Well credit card talk got us thinking about our credit scores.
So if you ever wondered what we do on skype dates...

we look up our credit scores ;)

Ah Romance ;)

A few weeks ago I got a pretty massive haircut.
I think i got about 8 inches cut off and I got some blonde highlights.

I love love lovvvee my hair now.
It just feels effortless and fun and cute
and I just don't really have to do anything to it.

I've got another hair appointment next week
and I'm thinking about trimming it up again
maybe even a teensy bit shorter than the first cut...
Also thinking more blonde...
So many choices to be made.


We took a trip to Ikea last weekend
and my little heart was just so happy.

I walked in with the intention of buying a gift for someone else
and walked out with the gift as well as stuff for myself.

It's like target on steroids in there.
I can't leave without picking something up.

I've been eyeing this grey striped duvet cover for a long time
so when I found myself in the bedding area I just
kind of waltzed over and snatched it up
and I'm so so happy I did!!!!

It's just really cozy and pretty in a minimalistic way :)

I also found the cutest city prints that now
have a home over my desk.

Ah Ikea, you're a Swedish dreamboat!!!

I hope you are all having a great week!!!!!

Monday, December 8, 2014

A few of my favorite Blogs

Mish Lovin' Life

Michelle is so so so funny. I hop over to her blog everyday
in hopes that she's blogged because she is just one of the funniest gals on the web.

Sarah Tucker

Sarah is gorgeous and so sweet. Her blog is full of love
and sweet pictures of her growing family.

Aspiring Kennedy

Lauren blogs over at Aspiring Kennedy. Lauren was the program
director when I studied abroad in Paris. She was also my French teacher.
Je voudrais un baguette, si vous plait...Merci ;)
I've really learned so much from her!!
Her blog is the best because she's got the cutest family and
she lives in Notting Hill in London...sooo yea, check her out!!!

Lauren Nicole

Lauren Nicole is one of my besties from College.
She's hilarious and adorable and also has TONS of great
recommendations when it comes to beauty products.
Check this girl out for sure!!

Kaylee Daily

I just came across Kaylee and it was blog love at first site!
She is just the cutest and she has the cutest relationship with her hubbs!!
I can't wait to read more of her blog!!
Her fashion is also on point!!!

Tales of me and the husband

Bridget over at TOMATH is so funny and cute annnddd she
has the BEST love story ever!!!!!
She also just had another little baby!!!!
Check her out!

Barefoot Blonde

Amber over at BB has such a sweet life.
She has an adorable family and GORGEOUS hair!
Chances are you've seen her on Pinterest!
She does tons of hair tutorials and she's just a fabulous gal!!


So there are some of the blogs that I read on a daily basis.
Sometimes it's nice to put some new content out there for other people to find.
And maybe you already follow these gals?? If so we should probably
be besties...just saying ;)

Hope you're having a great week!!

Friday, December 5, 2014

Long Distance Relationship Tips

I think most relationships experience
the Long Distance conundrum at least
once during their relationship.

Whether it's a short experience or a long one
we all know the feels involved in missing the one you love.

Now my personal experience with long distance
is probably going to be pretty different than most experiences.

We didn't meet in school or on a study abroad program.
We had never even been to each others home towns before we met.
We didn't meet in person until 7 months after we 'met' online.

Meeting people online isn't really as taboo as it used to be
but meeting online and falling in love with someone 
across the world still shocks people a bit when I tell them.

And then I explain that we've met multiple times
and we've spent a significant amount of time together
in the real world, hand in hand, blahdee blaahh...

Then they smile and congratulate me on snagging a Hottt British guy ;)

Which I totally did ;)

Then after I've been hilariously congratulated we dish on
how romantic it is and how lucky I am and how fun
and just amazing our love story is.

And it's all true.

It's all amazing because I found a great guy...
Or in Tom's opinion he found a great girl since
he was the first one to message me.

In all of the amazingness there's still a bit of heartache.
Being apart from the one you love is rough.

Over the past two years I've posted about long distance and
I've read comments that all say "It's hard but so worth it in the end"

I agree, 100%!

Being apart sucks but it makes our
time together even more special.

When you go for months without kisses or a hand to hold
you can get a little bitter to the whole long distance thing.

But Tom and I have done really well when it
comes down to being together.

We rarely let more than three months pass before
one of us is on a plane to see the other.

The longest time we've been apart was at the beginning.
That was 7 months of not meeting but that
was ok since we were both so nervous about
that first time we met.

After that we've tried our best to keep time apart as short as possible.

The one thing that has helped us cope with being apart
has been the amazing invention that is Skype.

I remember posting in the early days about skype dates
and how we had spent hours and hours talking.
One Skype date turned into hundreds of skype dates
and we've skyped for thousands of hours i'm sure.

We make time to see each other when we're not together
and it makes being apart significantly easier.
Not easy by any means but easier.

So if I had to give advice to someone
just starting a long distance relationship I'd say...

1. Skype is your new bestie - Skype is not only good for face to face communication
but it's ALSO the best way to call someone far away for free. Tom and I talk on the phone all the time and it makes us feel even closer.

2. Don't let months and months go between seeing each other - I know that flights get expensive, trust me!! It's so important to keep your relationship thriving, and if you can control when you see
each other try and make it happen as often as possible until you can just be together.

3. Send each other mail - Tom and I send boxes of treats back and forth all of the time and it's such
a fun way to stay connected to each other while you're apart. We also have separate boxes full of letters that we've sent each other. There's so much you can do to feel a little bit closer. 

4. Try to work flexible jobs - While you're apart you'll most likely be working to make money to be together. That's like the biggest conundrum of long distance. Working to be together rather than
working to have work experience and a career. My personal take on this is that my life, my happiness and Tom are more important than  a big corporate job. So I'm a nanny and I love it and the pay is awesome and the hours are awesome and it's the perfect job to have while in my long distance relationship. Tom has been fortunate to also have a flexible job that has worked with him when he wanted to come see me. So jobs are a big part of our success even if we're not working towards careers right now. I know a lot of people want a career before a love life and that's perfect. But sometimes love life comes first which is fine in my book ;)

5. Texting - If you've got an iphone and you and your love are from different countries then Imessage is your bestie. Tom and I text constantly, ask anyone that's around me. We're always in communication with each other from the moment I wake up till the moment Tom goes to bed. Texting, how I love thee.

So there's just a few tips on making LDR's work.

I hope you all have a great weekend!!

Monday, December 1, 2014

You gotta see this (CREATE YOUR OWN FONT)

So occasionally I come across something mind blowing.
When this happens i feel obligated to share the news.

I had NO idea how people made their own font.
It confused me to no end...however I never actually
looked into the process to see it for myself.
Until now...

I was perusing the web last night and
I came across

I'm either that LAST person to find this
or I'm sharing info that is needed by everyone.

I'm not sure which way it is.

If you already knew about this site then
shame on you for not sharing it with me sooner ;)
Just kidding, no shame, I'm just bitter it took me so
long to make this life changing discovery.

Ok so here's what you do...
Go to and follow the directions.

Basically you'll print this template...
There's two's the first.

You print the templates out and then you
basically write your fonts out in the spaces.

It's kind of like going back to Kindergarten.
You find the space with the letter or number you want
and you write over the letter, except you're not tracing the letter
you're creating your own unique letter or number.

Get creative, get funky, have fun with it.

THEN after you're done with that little bit
you will scan the template so you have it back
on your computer because you're going to upload
the file to create your font.

Upload and name your font and then once 
you submit it you'll see this come up....

Then you'll click Download annnddd VOILAAA!!!

Your font is downloaded as font.
It's CRAZY!!!

If you have a mac once you install the font
 it will show up in your font book and then you
can move it into Microsoft office.

If you have a PC then...I don't know ;)
You might have to google how that works.

But freaking cool is that??

I've done it a few times but my handwriting is just
 meehhh so I need to work on that.

But I'm just so excited about this
and I thought you might be too ;)

I hope you're all having a great week!!