
Thursday, April 23, 2015

15 current thoughts and updates

-I miss blogging and I don't miss blogging. My current relationship with social media isss meehh...

- I hate that I get passionate about SO MANY of my ideas and then tell people about them only for them to not happen. I'm afraid that I've become the girl who cries business ideas but never really goes for it.

- I do actually have a pretty good idea right now which is ironic ^^^. I've even taken it so far as to write up a business plan which is a step I don't normally take. I have a name, a rad concept and time to tweak it and make it into something doable. So I'm feeling confident that this one is going to happen.

- I'm 24, almost 25 and I'm having some intense growing pains. I've been questioning a lot of things lately about life, about myself and i'm slowly pulling it all together. Well, it will never quite be together but i'm trying my best.

- On Tuesday Tom and I went to Putt Putt because they have this amazing deal where you get unlimited putt putt and a $20 game card for $10 pp. It's cheap and we're total arcade nerds so it was a no brainer. I played the game stacker and won an Xbox One. So we paid $20 and left with about $500. Tom is thrilled and so was i to be honest. ;) Probably the biggest thing I've ever won and it was on an arcade game.

- I kind of have a slight obsession with online shopping right now. It's bad and it needs to stop but new seasons just get my heart racing. I bought these & these today. I'll be stalking my mailbox for the next week.

- I officially have 2 travel rewards credit cards in my wallet. One is Southwest and the other is AA Delta Skymiles. So now we have rewards domestically as well as internationaly. I was able to get 50,000 miles with southwest for spending $2000 in the first three months and we'll get 50,000 with the AA card when we spend $1000 in the first 3 months. Pretty solid when you already have the money and already have stuff to spend it on, like International flights to England.

- If you've ever done Myers Briggs then you'll know what I'm talking about here. I'm labeled ENFP but my E and I are practically even. So I am known to go back and forth between the two but lately I've felt way more introverted. My favorite place is at home in comfy clothes hanging out with Tom or my family.

- This is year 3 for Tomily and as things progress we're starting to have to make some tough decisions. It's so so scary making big life changing choices but we have to do it at some point because we desperately need to both be working. So sacrifices will be coming our way in the nearish future. eek. Fortunately with sacrifices comes some pretty great things. So it won't all be bad!

- On my way home from work this morning I heard on the radio that Dallas Symphony Orchestra was having a night of Barbra Streisand. I'm like a closet Barbra fan and so I ran/drove home and asked Tom if he would totally hate accompanying me to the show. He said he'd come which is good enough for me ;) We got box seats that may have been the cheapest seats in the house but I find something really fancy about those spots in theaters!! I'm geeking out!!

-I've discovered recently that I'm a bit of a free spirit. I kind of always felt this inside me but as I've grown older it's becoming more and more evident. This goes hand in hand with me finding myself and being all confused about things. It's mostly to do with work and money. While I know both are necessary I'm determined to create my own path to those things. 9-5 while it might be unavoidable, still gives me the heebeejeebees.

- I'm playing with the idea of using some essential oils for my asthma and allergies. Anyone using oils? I have two close friends who use them and love it. I'll try anything to get off inhalers.

- I bought Tom his birthday present a few weeks ago. I can't wait for him to find out what it is. I'm doing my best keeping it a surprise but I'm hopeless with secrets so we'll see.

- Now that we have miles to use I'm just ITCHING to go on a trip. Cali beaches are soooo calling my name!!!

- I just bought this book. I'm so ready to make a change and to get healthier. I just have a really unhealthy relationship with food. Some of it is so dang tasty and so dang bad for you. So I'm excited to read this one.

That's all for now :) Have a great weekend everyone!! 90 and sunny on saturday here in DFW!!!!!