
Friday, March 22, 2013

{Spring Snow & Fashion friday}

Spring means 3 things
1. Allergies
2. Tornados
3. warm weather
Spring does not mean snow!!!
I refuse to believe it's actually snowing outside
considering last weekend i was sunbathing in my car!!

Sadly it is snowing...and there's nothing to be done!!
I mean it gives me an excuse to continue eating soup and lazing around
because it's too cold to go out and be i guess there is an upside to this weather!!

I had the intention of making this a fun springy post, because i've been online
shopping and i've found so many cute outfits that i wish were in my spring closet!!
Since it's friday i figured i'd throw a little fashion friday post your way!! 

I've been looking for flats just like the one's below.
I love the cut out look of them, i think they are so so cute!!
I also love the soft tan color, perfect to pair with a fun springy dress!!
And i have this gold addiction lately...not to the jewelry but to accessories!!
I've got like 3 gold belts now and i keep finding little golden 
clutches that i'm just in love with!!

I found one a few weeks ago that was scalloped...i mean i died!!
I also died a little because i didn't get it and haven't seen it since :( 

Well that's it for me for the week!!
It's been such a great week for so many reasons...mostly thanks to that guy Tom!!
He is weirdly perfect for me in so many ways,
I've found a quirky guy to balance my quirkiness!!!
{It's wonderful}

have a great weekend everyone!!

1 comment:

  1. Love the snowy photo and it takes me back to living on campus.

    Bonnie Rose | A Compass Rose
