
Monday, October 14, 2013


I used to do blog buttons but then i kind of just stopped...
I think it's a great way to grow a blog and reach new audiences,
so I decided it would be a good idea to start it up again.

I have two buttons to choose from.
One is 200X200 and the other one is 150X150
depending on the size you use in your sidebar.

I have hopes to get my blog big enough one day to kind of make 
it into a little side job and charge for ad space.

I mean lets be honest that's what we'd all love to do.
Write about our life and make a little money on the side.

So here are some Stats:
I have 208 REAL blog followers.
That's not blog + Social media...That's just GFC+Bloglovin.
I do post via Social media and i have over 2,000 followers
with FB/Pinterest/Twitter combined...
However i can't really count those as i know not
all 2,000 of those lovely people read my blog...
Wish they did ;)

So considering i've only been blogging 10 months
I call that a whole lot of success ;)

I average around 300 views a day sometimes close to 400
if i'm talking about Tom ;) and close to 10,000 a month.
I'm almost to 100,000 views total which is just so exciting!!
So for now while i'm still growing here at HW i'd love to just
do some serious swapping. 

If you're interested in swapping buttons please let me know.
I'd love love love to feature you in my sidebar.

Grab a button and have a great day!


Hopeful Wandering

<div align="center"><a href="" title="Hopeful Wandering"><img src="" alt="Hopeful Wandering" style="border:none;" /></a></div>

Hopeful Wandering

<div align="center"><a href="" title="Hopeful Wandering"><img src="" alt="Hopeful Wandering" style="border:none;" /></a></div>


  1. would love too, but I literally have NO clue how to make a button, let alone post one on my own half-assed blog...oh well... :)

    1. Ohhh girl, it's so easy with this blog button generator, it does the hard work for you ;)

  2. I would love to swap buttons with you! I'm an avid follower of your blog. Love love love your untraditional love story. I'm putting your blog on my page and my button code is here: Yay!
