
Thursday, October 24, 2013

New Ventures

So here's an exciting blog post. going to start my own business
while galavanting with Tom
while running an Etsy shop
while working for Pottery Barn.

How? You might be asking......
Well, here's my plan in a nutshell.

Graduate in December.
Fly back to Tom in January.
Stay till like....oh i don't know when...till they kick me out ;)
While in England spend free time working on my 
new business venture while Tom is at work.
While working on business idea while Tom is at work
i'll also be selling my crafty creations via my new Etsy shop 
that I am currently working on.
Then after being in England till they kick me out
I'll come back to Texas and get a job at Pottery Barn.
While working at Pottery Barn I'll use my free time
on the side to continue working on my Business idea.
THEN i'll tell Pottery Barn...
"Hey Pottery Barn, i love you so much but can I work
part time so i can work more on my new business idea"
You know so i can still get my PB discount
when i get married and need couches.
But for real though...
I'm getting those couches.

Sounds like a genius plan to me!!
But in all seriousness...
I do have a game plan for a new business.
I've been thinking about this one A LOT.
I've talked to a lot of people about it including Tom.
We brainstormed up the perfect name for the company.
And we even have a little logo we're playing with.

But just because i'm about to Graduate from Business School
does not mean i am anywhere near ready to start a business.
I know i need a little {lottle} real world experience and a real world paycheck
before i can really go after what i want to do.
But i have a great idea and it's pretty flawless in my head ;)
That may, however, be different on paper.
But i'm hopeful...hence....hopeful wandering...
Whoa {mind blown} ;)

I feel like i can do anything.
That's the exciting thing about graduating.
So many possibilities are just waiting for you.
I may sound crazy, i know lots of people are freaking
out about graduating in the uncertain times that we're in.
But let's be honest...If you can't find a job then make one.
We're a bunch of seriously talented and creative people,
and there are more avenues to take than just corporate America...
Which personally is just one big political snooze fest.
I think more people should tap into their creativity 
and find more potential in themselves.

And as for the Etsy shop.
My dad is starting to make more chalkboards
with the wood from our old fence.
It's the prettiest wood and it's perfect for
rustic chalkboards like this one...

So those will definitely be in the shop as
long as my dad is still making them.
But as for me and my craftiness....
There's gold glitter and gold spray paint involved.
And i'm really excited to make some prototypes soon
to see if i think this is something worth exploring.
So there you have it, all of my plans in a nutshell..
ok, more like a novel blog post.
Sorry about that ;)

I hope you have a great Thursday.
Remember Tomorrow is another Etsy Extravaganza day!
Check back for a new discount to a new Etsy shop.



  1. You're so lucky to have a plan in place for after you graduate. I know when I was nearing graduation, I was like the majority, freaking out and ready to take a job with any business that offered me a position, even if I knew I would be miserable. I can't wait to hear more about your business venture!

    1. I am pretty excited about the future :) I haven't been too worried about after graduation mostly because i know i'm going to see Tom ;) but i'm sure it will be scarier next summer when i'm back and have to find a job haha ;)

  2. It's nice to know that you have already planned ahead of your graduation and you know what you want in your life. How are the plans for your business? If I may add, you can also consider having a functional website to promote your business. Thanks for sharing, and I wish you the best in your future endeavors! :)

    Masako Gun @ Champion Online Marketing
