
Wednesday, December 18, 2013

$5 Drive Thru Challenge - Secret Santa - why you should floss...

First of all let me address the Dentist.
I was shamed by the dentist yesterday...
shamed real good.

Floss?? Do I floss?? HA! No, who flosses???
Oh wait, i have a cavity? Oh wait i have a few cavities...
So....that whole floss thanngg you were talking about...
I guess it's pretty important huh??

Be Thinking of me this morning at 8:00am as i will be sitting
in the dentists chair of death getting fillings...
I'll probably be awkwardly drooling too.
Should be an Awesome day...!!!

Floss people, they're serious!!

Moving on.
YESTERDAY...was awesome.
It literally brightened my whole life and
restored my faith in nice people.

You might be wondering what happened?
Well let me tell you...

I was running errands and needed to stop for something quick to eat
after being told i was an awful flosser, so i stopped at Wendy's 
because well, it's delicious, stop judging me.

I went through the drive through and was all prepared to 
pay the 4.75 for my little kiddie meal that i got.
I roll on up to the window with my $5.00 ready to roll
and the sweet guy working the drive through told me that
the lady in front of me had put $5 towards my order.
Which just happened to pay for it all.

Which made me feel like this...

happy gif photo:  tumblr_l75t6xtJy21qb9z8q.gif
                                                                                                                                                                                      happy gif photo: Seinfeld Happy Dance seinfelddance.gif         

   dance gif photo:  colbert.gif
It literally made my day, my week, my month.
I've heard of people doing this but it's never happened to me until today.
And it has sparked something in me, sparked something real sparkly!!

It inspired me, because she didn't have to do that but she did.
And not only did she pay $5.00 towards my meal but she gave the 
man working the drive through $5.00 too.

Dear sweet lady, whoever you are, thank you for being so kind!
$5.00 isn't a lot of money, but it made my day.
And like i said, it inspired me to do the same.

I've created a little challenge for anyone and everyone who wants to be involved.
It's called the $5.00 Drive Thru Challenge.

All you have to do is print out the rules posted below.
It's as simple as that.

You should be able to save this image below to your
computer and print it off.
I'm going to print mine out and roll it up and tie a little bow around it.
Then i'm hitting up Starbucks at some point today for 
a celebratory after surviving the dentist drink.
And i'll kick this challenge off by paying $5.00
towards someone's Starbucks order.
I'm EXCITED about this.
I hope you'll join me.

ALSO If you blog and would like to post this
idea out to your readers i think that would be awesome too.
Let's spread the word and get this thing rolling!!


Lastly, I was involved in a Blogger Secret Santa
through the blog Travel Babbles.

I thought this was such a cool idea and i couldn't pass
up the chance to get involved and meet some new bloggers.

So i found out yesterday that my Secret Santa was Sara
from the blog Pearls and Curls.

She sent me a Kate Spade Golden Bangle.
Can you say PERFECT gift!!

It's so thoughtful and pretty.
I've been wanting something Kate Spade for a while now
so i was pretty excited with this showed up.

Go show some love to Sara, she's awesome!!
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And i sent a secret Santa gift to Kassi over at Truly Lovely.
It's tough shopping for someone you don't know but
as i looked through her blog and instagram i felt like
I had a pretty good idea of what to get Kassi.

A cute color block wristlet from Target and some Sally Nail Polish Strips.
I kind of loved this gift so much i bought the same thing for myself ;)
I hope you liked it Kassi, it was so fun to pull together.

Show Kassi some love.
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Wow that was a long post.
I hope you'll join in on the challenge.
Let me know if you do, and be sure to 
send me a linkup if you blog about your experience.

Have a wonderful Wednesday!

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