
Thursday, January 14, 2016

Humble brag

Today I graduated from Elfa Closet Design School. Yes, that's a thing and I did indeed graduate from it. For the past month I've been designing closets at work but I've had to have someone look it over before I showed it to a customer. It's called second set of eyes, just to make sure I haven't made any mistakes. Well as of today I'm off the second set of eyes list, they trust my knowledge and skills and believe that I can design the perfect closet solution for people all over the country...and world. I did some spaces for  a couple in Guam a few weeks ago ;). 

I can't get over how far i've come in the last 8 weeks. First of all I went into this job with ZERO prior experience in the corporate world or sales or closet design. After a few weeks of training and lots of practice I feel like I really know what I'm doing and it's such a fun job. I always hear people talk about their jobs and their peers and their bosses and it's never really positive and it really freaked me out when I started looking for a job. I thought all offices were like that, where people are awful to each other. I thought that everyone hated their boss and that work was just going to be awful no matter where you ended up. But that's just not true, at all!! This company has changed my whole outlook on the corporate world and working in an office. I have the best team, they are seriously incredible, so kind, funny and passionate. I'm just feeling extra grateful to have been given a chance to work for this company. I mean I get to design pretty spaces all day, it's a dream. ;)

 I've already got my sights set on my next goal with the company, and that's built-ins!! ;)

Speaking of dreams...this closet is THE dream!!
I'm sold, if only my store discount went towards this baby!!


In other news, Tom went to London yesterday and got his medical done! He spent the night in Westminster, had his early morning appointment and then hopped on the bus back home.
Now we just have to wait for his interview!!
We're both so happy things are finally starting to come together!
April can't get here soon enough, I can't wait to see him again
and not have to let him go this time! ;)

Hope you're all having a great week!!

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