
Thursday, July 4, 2019

Guess who's back, back again!!!

Hi everyone!

It's been awhile.

Since 2017 in fact!

So much has changed and so much has remained the same.

Remember when Blogging was THE THING?
Now we're all living life over on Instagram Stories.
It's cool, things change.

That being said, I regularly feel this pull back to my blog.
We've been through so much together.
And I miss it!

Remember those two kids that fell in love 4,000 miles apart?
Well, they've just celebrated their third year of marriage!

That's right, Tom and I are killing this whole marriage thing!

We recently moved into a new apartment and are slowly decorating the place to feel like home.
We never decorated our last place. We knew it was only a temporary spot for us and we wanted to wait until we were in something more permanent. Not that this apartment is permanent but I foresee at least another two years here.

We have a great view, the apartment layout is perfect and we are in a wonderful location that's close to where we both work. It's the perfect place for this time in our lives.

I'm excited to show off a few areas of our apartment that we've already completed or partially completed. I have a lot of plans! I'll share what we've done along with some inspiration I've found.

Honestly, if I could decorate for a living I'd be thrilled. 
I love it!

I'll save all of that for another post.

Tom and I are currently getting ready for a pretty major trip.
We're headed to Cyprus for two weeks and I CAN'T WAIT!

We'll be meeting up with Tom's side of the Family for a well deserved long holiday.

I have never been to Cyprus, let alone that far away from Texas, but it looks amazing and I'm sure we will have the best time after we recover from the 48 hour trip to get there. Ha!

A nap by the pool sounds like the perfect remedy for a long trip and a bit of jetlag!

Catch y'all later! (I promise)


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