Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Summer School

Summer School started yesterday.
I've been dreading it for weeks because when i turn
my brain off at the end of Spring semester...It stays off till august.

So i'm really going to have to find the strength 
to focus on two English classes over summer break.
Why did i wait so long to take english???
I ask myself that question daily.

Sorry for the mushy post yesterday...
And by sorry i mean i'm not sorry ;)
That guy brings it out of me, i just can't help it!

Our Skype dates are turning into planning dates.
Planning what we'll be doing in Texas and when...
Planning what he should be packing...
The suitcase has actually been brought down!!
I mean things are getting serious!
It's SO exciting!! :) 

I have so much going on right now.
Being home and working, now with school on top of it.
All while preparing for the most amazing guy ever to come in 3 weeks.
It's all good stuff, i just sometimes have to remind myself
to take a step back and appreciate what all I have.
And not let it all get to be too much that i can't handle it!
I need to remember to breathe.

It's all happening and it's all amazing.
I'm very blessed and fortunate to have all of these
wonderful things happening in my life right now!! 

I hope you're all having a wonderful wednesday.



  1. Just Breathe is such a great thing to do and say to yourself through out life. I love that image above.

    Bonnie Rose | A Compass Rose
