Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Dear Tom

Dear Tom,
You're Hot.
No really it's true.
And look how good you look in those Texas Shorts.
**whistle whistle**
Thanks for being so funny.
And handsome, you're real handsome...however I guess I cant
really thank you for that...so thank you Sue and Dave ;)
Is that weird to thank your parents for your looks?
I don't really think so....
Thanks for telling me I'm beautiful.
It's one of the sweetest things you say to me
and you say it often and it makes my heart flutter.
For real, like I can feel it fluttering...
Is that a girly thing to say??
Too bad  because you're stuck with this
girly girl Fooorrreeeeevvvveeerrrrrrrrr...
Thanks for telling me I have the BEST
British accent that you've ever heard.
I know it was hard to say that mine was better
than yours but well...we all know it is...
Sooo....just keep working on it babe ;)
I love when you get sassy.
Or maybe we can call it...sarcassy...
you're super sarcassy and I love it.
I love that you can keep up with my sass.
We are such a sassy couple...
Back to the funny thing though.
You're hilarious.
You're sooooo silly ;)
Sometimes I laugh so hard I snort laugh
which I now know is your goal.
But you think it's cute when I snort laugh
so maybe I've relaxed a lot and I let the snorts
flow a little more naturally...
I love that you love pet names.
Bug is my favorite...or beautiful....or love
They're just really cute....
just like you!!

Thanks for staying up till the wee hours of the morning just so we can talk.
That silly time difference is such a downer....
I mean lets just be grateful its you on that side of the world and not me.
I'm normally in bed by 11...at the latest ;)

I also love our serious talks
you know....those talks...
I love that we're comfortable enough to have them.
It's nice that we can talk silly, sad, ridiculous, and also serious.
We're soooo well rounded....is that something people say???
Well rounded????
Anyways....You're amazing!!
I'm just sooooooo happy that I have you.
And sometimes I can't hold it in ok, I just have to tell everyone.
And lucky for you I have this super public blog
that lots of people read...or at least I hope they read ;)
64 days bug!!

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